Sorry Cleveland, Winter is here!

Sorry Cleveland, Winter is here!
The best time of year to think about parking lot and driveway maintenance is now. The best time for maintenance is in the spring!
After all of the snow has melted and all of the damaging salt has washed off, it’s time to look at your pavement. It’s time to consider crack sealing and sealcoating.
In cold temperatures, pavement contracts and cracks open to their widest. In hot temperatures, pavement expands and closes the cracks. This is why the moderate temperatures in spring are optimal for crack repair.
At Holland Paving, we specialize in asphalt maintenance and Cracksealing is one of our specialties.
Crack Sealing vs. Crack Filling
Crack sealing is different from crack filling for several reasons. Asphalt pavement is referred to as a flexible pavement that moves horizontally due to changes in temperature and may move vertically as a result of traffic loads. Some cracks can open up to 100% of original width as the pavement temperature changes from summer to winter extremes. So generally speaking, asphalt pavement is always moving to some degree.
Crack sealing uses specialized material that will adhere to the pavement and retain the seal as the pavement moves. Crack filling uses normal material that does not have high or low temperature properties to remain flexible at low temperatures and stable at high temperatures, and when pavement movement takes place, the seal is broken. This is one example why crack sealing prevents intrusion of water and crack filling reduces intrusion of water – sealing and filling are not the same.
Give us all call for a free estimate. As long as your asphalt is free of snow and ice, we can give you an accurate price for the upcoming spring season.