What is Needed vs What is Affordable
What is Needed vs What is Affordable
Asphalt is a very flexible material; its applications vary greatly and can be suitable for many conditions, however, it can also be used inappropriately and can create greater expense to the property owner. Like any other problem, research is the best place to start. What do you have now? How long did that wear? If the existing pavement has worn sooner than anticipated, it may be due to a base or drainage issue. Asphalt is only as good as what it is on top of; proper subbase and drainage are critical to the life of the pavement.
Proper installation can be expensive depending on what you’re starting with. The new installation will always include details of drainage and where the water will run off the pavement. Maintenance of an existing pavement will always include details of where the water drains, if what exists is suitable, and if it should be increased or corrected. Starting at the outset will give you a solid foundation to build on.
There are remedies for maintenance that should be discussed with your contractor. It may not be in your budget, but having the information will help you budget better. Knowing the right material for the project is critical to the success of the repair. Improper installation can not only cause the surface to deteriorate more quickly, it could also create a liability issue when the fix fails, causing trip hazards and material sticking to everything but the intended area.
We offer these types of assessments free of charge. Our estimating staff has the experience to determine the best applications of products to your pavement. Holland Paving can offer options, solutions, and budget suggestions that will allow you to have the job done right. Our service area is throughout Northeast Ohio for commercial and residential property owners. We are a full phase asphalt and concrete contractor, owned and operating for over thirty years.